Nino Gramuglia

Calabrese, precisamente di Bagnara Calabra (Rc), classe 1986. Muove i primi passi ai fornelli grazie ad un corso professionale di cucina, lavora stagionalmente in diversi ristoranti del suo paese: Hotel Victoria, Taverna Kerkira, Ristorante I Paesani e Ristorante Le Saie.

Dopo quello Scientifico, ottiene il secondo diploma all’Istituto Alberghiero di Villa San Giovanni (Rc) e si laurea in comunicazione e marketing a Messina. Acquisita un’importante esperienza, frequenta e si diploma nel 2015 all’ALMA – La Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana del maestro Gualtiero


In seguito, lavora presso Eos – Torino dello chef Pirrelli, Cannavacciuolo Cafè&Bistrot di Novara dello chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo, Ristorante Chinappi a Roma, come chef al Ristorante La Piazzetta di Otranto, all’ NH Resort dell’Isola d’Elba, cura e si occupa dell’apertura del Ristorate Scilla Milano a Milano.

Torna Bagnara Calabra nel 2019 per dare vita al sogno di aprire il proprio ristorante insieme alla moglie Olga Bellantone, responsabile di Sala: il Ristorante Zefiro. Oggi continua a guidare la propria brigata proponendo una cucina prettamente territoriale volta alla sperimentazione e all’innovazione.


Nino Gramuglia is Calabrese, specifically from Bagnara Calabra (Rc), born in 1986. He took his first steps in the kitchen thanks to a professional cooking course, working seasonally in various restaurants in his hometown: Hotel Victoria, Taverna Kerkira, Ristorante I Paesani, and Ristorante Le Saie.

After completing a scientific high school diploma, he obtained a second diploma from the Hotel Institute in Villa San Giovanni (Rc) and graduated in communication and marketing in Messina. With valuable experience under his belt, he attended and graduated in 2015 from ALMA – The International School of Italian Cuisine under the guidance of master Gualtiero Marchesi.

Subsequently, he worked at Eos – Torino under chef Pirrelli, Cannavacciuolo Cafè&Bistrot in Novara under chef Antonino Cannavacciuolo, Ristorante Chinappi in Rome, as head chef at Ristorante La Piazzetta in Otranto, at the NH Resort on the Island of Elba, and was involved in the opening of Ristorante Scilla Milano in Milan.

He returned to Bagnara Calabra in 2019 to fulfill the dream of opening his own restaurant together with his wife Olga Bellantone, who oversees the dining room: Ristorante Zefiro. Today, he continues to lead his brigade, offering a cuisine that is deeply rooted in the territory, focused on experimentation and innovation.

Ristorante Zefiro
Viale Turati snc, lungomare – 89011 Bagnara Calabra (Rc)
Tel +39 328 7624452

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Calamaro al Passito di Zibibbo Gramà di Bagnara Calabra